Let us help you find the right job with the right support.

What is Fast Track to Employment?

Are you stuck and needing help finding the career that fits you? Our Fast Track program can help!

Through Fast Track to Employment our commitment is to help you find the right job, at the right time and with the right support.

Let us assist you in creating a resume, preparing for a job interview, and connect you with other supports and resources that will advance your career!

Our program serves individuals receiving TANF and SNAP Able Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDs) in a new way.

With the assistance from our program Fast Track offers individualized, one on one support that is driven by the preferences of each client.

Limited spots are available so don’t wait and schedule an appointment with us today!

BEES Program Staff

Our Commitment.

  • Find it.

    Let us assist you with finding competitive, long-term employment that aligns with your interests. Our hands on support with rapid job search and helping you identify any barriers in gaining or keeping employment is our specialty. Contact us today to get started!

  • Build it.

    It all begins with your resume. With the Fast Track Program our caring staff will help you create a resume, cover letter, or application to help advance your career professionally. Let us support you in building the confidence you need to succeed!

  • Have it.

    Our goal is to help you succeed! With our trusted services we will assist you in feeling equipped for your interview and application process to get the career you want so you can have a successful future!

  • Keep it.

    With the Fast Track Program we’re in your corner! Let us help you succeed and thrive at your job. By connecting you with other resources that may hinder your career. This may include help in finding childcare, transportation to interviews, technology, work attire and much more. Let us help you win at both your work and life!

  • " They helped me find more than just a job, they helped me gain my independence back."

    -Kristina G.

    CORE Health Client

  • People in the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) programs like here at CORE Health are more likely to find, have and keep jobs.